You are what you eat

Saturday, 21 November 2009

I am always peering in peoples shopping baskets in the supermarket... trying to divulge their lifestyles. I know it's nosy and judgmental but it's also pretty intriguing (equally I always feel proud of myself when all my basket is filled with is greens and cous cous and fish - "look at me with my healthy foods!")
Clearly I'm not the only person who finds this interesting. Mark Menjivar has done a whole series of photographs documenting the usually private insides of the household fridge. To make it all the more interesting, he then documents the occupation and type of household. It's pretty fascinating... kind of like a foody portrait.
left: Midwife/Middle School Science Teacher - 3 person household and dog
right: Bar Tender - 1 person household (sleeps at 8am, wakes at 4pm)

left: Construction worker/ housewife - 4 person household
right: Anesthesiologist - 3 person household

left: Restaurant owner - 1 person household
right: Documentary Film Makers - 3 person household

(lots more on his website too)

Mark has gone on also to produce a good looking Food Journal with Kate Bingaman-Burt (of obsessive consumption illustration fame)... for recording your daily munchings!!

get a copy here


  1. These are so great! I saw one of them on 20X200 but not the whole series, thanks for find!!


Thankyou for your comments. emily x

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