+ This amazingly upbeat skull paper sculpture by super talented lady, Helen Musselwhite.
+ A range of gorgeous mobiles to make yourself; using sticks, felt, pom poms and paper.
+ How to make a geometric origami garland/snake.
+ If you're an artist (of any kind) and you want to help save our rhino friends... then get involved in this Taronga Zoo scheme.
+ Despite it being mid-winter here, these summer printable tags of juicy fruits are still quite delectable.
+ Pretty hilarious snaps of Andy Warhol on a trip to China in 1982. Love that he asked where the lift was at the Great Wall... such a nut nut!
+ If you love magazines (in particular independent film magazine Little White Lies and youth culture mag Huck) then get involved in their kickstarter for an exciting new book about their work process. For only $20 you'll get it delivered to your doorstep... and if you pledge a little bit more you get a Geoff McFetridge print too. They've already reached their total but any extra funds pay for more special inks.
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